Letter Eighteenth To Anne Boleyn
To inform you what joy it is to me to understand of your conformableness
with reason, and of the suppressing of your inutile and vain thoughts with
the bridle of reason. I assure you all the good in this world could not
counterpoise for my satisfaction the knowledge and certainty thereof,
wherefore, good sweetheart, continue the same, not only in this, but in
all your doings hereafter; for thereby shall come, both to you and me, th
greatest quietness that may be in this world.
The cause why the bearer stays so long, is the business I have had to
dress up gear for you; and which I trust, ere long to cause you occupy:
then I trust to occupy yours, which shall be recompense enough to me for
all my pains and labour.
The unfeigned sickness of this well-willing legate doth somewhat retard
his access to your person; but I trust verily, when God shall send him
health, he will with diligence recompense his demur. For I know well where
he hath said (touching the saying and bruit that he is thought imperial)
that it shall be well known in this matter that he is not imperial; and
thus, for lack of time, sweetheart, farewell.
Written with the hand which fain would be yours, and so is the heart.
R. H.