Letter Sixteenth To Anne Boleyn
DARLING, Though I have scant leisure, yet, remembering my promise, I
thought it convenient to certify you briefly in what case our affairs
stand. As touching a lodging for you, we have got one by my lord
cardinal's means, the like whereof could not have been found hereabouts
for all causes, as this bearer shall more show you. As touching our other
affairs, I assure you there can be no more done, nor more diligence used,
nor all manner of dangers better both foreseen and provided for, so that
I trust it shall be hereafter to both our comforts, the specialities
whereof were both too long to be written, and hardly by messenger to be
declared. Wherefore, till you repair hither, I keep something in store,
trusting it shall not be long to; for I have caused my lord, your father,
to make his provisions with speed; and thus for lack of time, darling, I
make an end of my letter, written with the hand of him which I would were
H. R.