Letter Tenth To Anne Boleyn

The uneasiness my doubts about your health gave me, disturbed and alarmed

me exceedingly, and I should not have had any quiet without hearing

certain tidings. But now, since you have as yet felt nothing, I hope, and

am assured that it will spare you, as I hope it is doing with us. For when

we were at Walton, two ushers, two valets de chambres and your brother,

master-treasurer, fell ill, but are now quite well; and since we have
returned to our house at Hunsdon, we have been perfectly well, and have

not, at present, one sick person, God be praised; and I think, if you

would retire from Surrey, as we did, you would escape all danger. There is

another thing that may comfort you, which is, that, in truth in this

distemper few or no women have been taken ill, and what is more, no person

of our court, and few elsewhere, have died of it. For which reason I beg

you, my entirely beloved, not to frighten yourself nor be too uneasy at

our absence; for wherever I am, I am yours, and yet we must sometimes

submit to our misfortunes, for whoever will struggle against fate is

generally but so much the farther from gaining his end: wherefore comfort

yourself, and take courage and avoid the pestilence as much as you can,

for I hope shortly to make you sing, la renvoye. No more at present,

from lack of time, but that I wish you in my arms, that I might a little

dispel your unreasonable thoughts.

Written by the hand of him who is and alway will be yours,

Im- H. R. -mutable.

